NSP Diary
No Syllabus Podcast
#014 l Faculty Hours: Travis Bays pt1

#014 l Faculty Hours: Travis Bays pt1

Following Instincts and Making Life Decisions

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Show Notes

Hi friends, welcome to No Syllabus podcast faculty hours. Travis Bays, co-founder of Bodhi Surf and Yoga in Costa Rica

Travis shares his journey from San Diego to Costa Rica and his experiences as an entrepreneur, traveler, and surfer.

He emphasizes the importance of following your instincts and being confident in yourself when making life decisions. Travis also discusses the value of immersing oneself in different cultures and perspectives through travel.

He highlights the need to put oneself in other people's shoes to become a better human. Travis is known for starting new ventures and knowing when to quit and move on to the next chapter.

"I made it clear that I was going to live there, one day." - Travis Bays

Part 1

In part one of our conversation, we cover:

  • Follow your instincts and be confident in yourself when making life decisions.

  • Immerse yourself in different cultures and perspectives through travel to become a better human.

  • Put yourself in other people's shoes to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences.

  • Know when to quit and move on to the next chapter in your life.

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NSP Diary
No Syllabus Podcast
In school, we have a syllabus to guide us.
In life, we don’t.
This is a podcast about crafting your life syllabus.
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Su Hawn